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Updated: Dec 7, 2018

On a very bitter evening several members went along to this historic venue to support the running of Glen Barr when they put on a huge bonfire night.

Given that one of our members Janet Rankine and her families connection to the property I felt that we needed to support this unusual but fun event, and it was fun but the particular night was one most probably people very wisely decided to stay home and stay warm!

But Jan & I rugged up and headed to the top of West Terrace to the property about 6.00 where we found Janet very busy with help from Rivette putting the stuffed figure on top of a huge pile of wood and branches about 3 metres high. People had been bringing trailer loads of rubbish to be added to the pile for many weeks prior.

Rivette was most concerned that Janet had put a very nice leather belt on the figures pants however Janet said that it was OK so on it went.

The event was advertised as a family show under CFS direction and control so the fire was to be lit early so the little children could have their BBQ tea and then see it lit before heading off.

Jan & I were joined by David & Vivienne Pegler – Mini- Cooper and also Andrew Mepham – Rover V8 with his little grandson. We all had our sausages in the dining room and then headed out to witness to bonfire which was situated in an adjoining paddock well away from the historic buildings. The CFS had roped off a pretty big area downwind of the bonfire but we could get pretty close to the heat on the lee side and the heat was very enjoyable given that the temperature was around 4 or 5 degrees!

I don’t know how long the bonfire lasted as we headed off pretty early but given the size of it it would have still be going next morning.

Andrew has a very busy night as not only was he looking after his little grandson but also he was coerced into making up the numbers with his role as a senior CFS member, many time he was giving the little one instructions to “get down from there,……” or similar!

So all in all a very enjoyable evening and hopefully the donations help the cause.

Mike Greenwood - Events



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