12 AUGUST 2018
This was the second time that we had put this run on the Events Sheets, in memory to The Late Bob Schembri who prepared this run for us.
We had a total of 23 members who came on this run on a fine but cold day.
After doing a bit of a drive around our town we headed out towards Calling-ton and then a left turn and onto the Old Princes Hwy, through Kanmantoo, Dawsley. This road has been a great drive for so long and it never ceases to be picturesque with lots of big gums as you enter the Adelaide Hills. We turned off the Hwy after Dawsley and drove through a town somewhat for-gotten in the mining town of Brakunga and then headed left to Woodside, really in the hills now as we headed left at Woodside, along the On-kaparinga Hwy through Oakbank, Balhannah and Verdun, under the SE Freeway and onto our lunch stop at the Aldgate Pump Hotel. The accommo-dation in the dining room was a bit squashed up but the actual meals were very special.
The trip home after lunch saw members taking their time with some taking different roads home but the road through Macclesfield back to Strathalbyn is always a treat; real Adelaide Hills roads and ones to be enjoyed.
Some decided to bring their ‘other’ car but all enjoyed the day and the friendship of our Club members.
The following came along:
Rae & Cameron Mighall; Peter & Cheryl Barreau; Bob & Elaine Seller; Keith Bowler; Doug & Vivienne Hill; Ken & Lorraine Winen; Roy Shelton & Carmel Chell; Gordon & Di Thorpe; Stan Quick; Gilbert Haywood; David & Vivienne Pegler.
