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Membership Renewals
Strathalbyn Auto Collectors Club Inc
We would like as many of you who can to pay your Renewal into the Club Bank
Account by EFT. The details are NAB STRATHALBYN BSB: 085 921 Account
No:14209 3150
Please put your name on as a reference,
The fees are Family $45, Single $35 and $10 if a new name badge is required.
If your Log Book has reached its 3 year expiry date include $5 for each new Log
Book required.
If you are unable to pay by EFT please post to SACC Inc PO Box 329, Strathalbyn,
or bring to a meeting.
If you have any questions please contact Rory Liebelt Ph 0417 886 671
New Members
Contact us for more information
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